Green Left Party fields more female candidates than other parties
The Green Left Party has fielded more female candidates than other parties for the parliamentary elections to be held in Türkiye on May 14, 2023.

News Center- On Sunday, political parties in Türkiye submitted their candidate lists to the Supreme Election Council, the highest electoral authority in Türkiye. The candidate lists of the political parties reveal that the Green Left Party has fielded more female candidates than any party.
193 of the 490 candidates of the Green Left Party, which will contest the elections under the umbrella of the Labor and Freedom Alliance, are women. 113 of the 600 candidates of the ruling party AKP are women. The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), which submitted a joint list with the Democracy and Progress Party (DEVA), the Future Party, and the Felicity Party, has fielded 153 female candidates. The İYİ (Good) Party, which has a separate candidate list, has fielded 145 women. The Workers' Party of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye İşçi Partisi, TİP), a member of the Labor and Freedom Alliance, has submitted a separate candidate list in some cities; the party has fielded 161 in its candidate list.
According to the lists submitted to the YSK, the number of women who will run for the elections as the first name in the candidate lists submitted by the political parties is: 4 women from the AKP, 11 from the CHP, 6 from İYİ Party, 30 from the Green Left Party and 28 from the TİP.