Gazan women fight breast cancer

Gazan women diagnosed with breast cancer spoke to our news agency about their difficult treatment process. They hold on to the life stronger after recovery, “You should resist breast cancer.”


Gaza-54% of Gazan women were diagnosed with cancer; 32,8% of women were diagnosed with breast cancer, 11,7% of women were diagnosed with colon cancer, 7,5% of women were diagnosed with bone marrow cancer and 6,8% of women were diagnosed with lymphoma, according to the latest report issued by the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

43-year-old Sabren El-Necara was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1994 when she was 13 years old. When she was diagnosed with cancer, she didn’t know anything about her cancer. Her parents supported her to overcome her disease. Instead of sitting down and worrying about it, she decided to fight her cancer. After long-term treatment, she managed to overcome cancer.

“She waited for her death”

Nadiya al-Shaer (50) went to a hospital after discovering a lump in her breast but she was told she had gotten an infection by doctors. But medicine and surgery didn’t work and her condition got worse day by day. Then, she decided to go to another doctor and she was diagnosed with breast cancer by that doctor. She was told she had to undergo surgery. During her treatment, she felt bad due to hair loss. Her father had died of cancer, “For this reason, I didn’t want to see anyone and I waited for my death.”

Her family convinced her to receive cancer treatment

Nadiya al-Shaer’s husband and her seven children convinced her to receive cancer treatment.  Nadiya al-Shaer complains about the hospitals in Gaza because they rejected to treat her. After receiving cancer treatment abroad, she overcame breast cancer. “I tell my story to cancer patients to encourage them because life is worth living.”

She built a new life

28-year-old Merwa El-Xalidi was pregnant when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and she had a miscarriage. “My family always supported me and I overcame cancer thanks to them. I feel better now and I built a new life with my family and children.”