Femicide in Türkiye: 394 women killed in 2024
In 2024, 394 women were killed by men and 259 others died under suspicious circumstances in Türkiye, We Will Stop Femicide Platform said in its 2024 report on femicide.

Istanbul- We Will Stop Femicide Platform (Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu-KCDP) has released its 2024 report on femicide in Türkiye. In 2024, 394 women were killed by men and 259 others died under suspicious circumstances, the report said, stressing that 2024 had the highest rate of femicide since the platform started reporting on femicide.
“The rate of femicide decreased only in 2011, when the Istanbul Convention was signed,” the report said.
“Ineffective implementation of Law No. 6284 is the reason for this increase’
According to the report, the rate of femicide in the country has increased since Türkiye withdrew from the Istanbul Convention. “Ineffective implementation for Law No.6284, anti-women and anti-children discourses and inadequate policies on gender equality are some reasons for the increase in femicide cases.”
280 women killed by male family members in 2024
In the report, the platform criticizes the government for organizing “workshops on families”, instead of developing policies protecting women. “In 2024, 280 women were killed by their husbands, fathers, sons and male relatives.”
19 girls killed in 2024
Violence targets not only women but also children, the report stressed. “In 2024, 19 girls were killed by their fathers; nine of them were killed along with their mothers.”
20 women killed despite protection orders
Law No. 6284 is one of the most effective ways to prevent femicide and violence, the report emphasized. “However, the authorities have failed to implement the law. In 2024, 20 women were killed although they had had protection orders.”
According to the report, out of 394 women, 166 women were killed by their husbands, 45 by their partners, 31 by their fathers, 30 by their ex-husbands, 29 by men whom they knew, 25 by their male relatives, 23 by their ex-partners, 22 by their sons, seven by their brothers, seven by foreign men. “The relationship between the nine killed women and the perpetrators was not determined,” the report said.