DEM Party to hold demonstration in solidarity with Palestinian people
Açlık Grevi İzleme ve Takip Koordinasyonu 12 cezaevine dair hazırladığı raporda, mahpusların hak ihlallerine maruz kaldığı belirtilerek, sorumlulara çağrıda bulunuldu.

News Center- The People’s Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) held a press conference at its headquarters in Istanbul and announced that it would hold a demonstration in Istanbul’s Esenyurt district on January 14 to be in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
‘Honorable peace can be achieved by solidarity’
"An honorable peace can be achieved in the Middle East by solidarity of the oppressed people,” said DEM Party Istanbul MP Kezban Konukçu. “We cannot achieve a true and honorable peace without revealing the true face of hypocritical and collaborative states. The AKP-MHP government releases statements saying ‘We are against (the Israeli attacks on Gaza)’; however, its cooperation with Israel continues.” Kezban Konukçu called on everyone to participate in the demonstration.
At the conference, DEM Party Istanbul Co-chair Gonca Yangöz drew attention to the ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza. “It wants to wipe Palestinian people and their land off the map. Just like what has been done to the Kurdish people. Civilian spaces, hospitals and grain warehouses are also being targeted in North and East Syria and Southern Kurdistan. The countries claiming that they support democracy and peace are a party to these genocidal attacks. They approve of the wars waged in the Middle East and ignore the Middle Eastern people.”
‘It is time to be a voice of Palestine’
We defend the struggle for freedom and peace of the Kurdish and Palestinian people, Gonca Yangöz said in her speech. “We say ‘No’ to the policies of the regional states, particularly Turkey, that fuel the war. We call on everyone to stand with the oppressed Palestinian people. It is time to be a voice of Palestine.”