Call from women of NE Syria to international organizations

Women of Shehba and Afrin called on the international community to take steps against the attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria.

News Center- The women’s organizations of Shehba and Afrin issued a statement in the Berxwedan Refugee Camp yesterday against the ongoing attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria. Pointing out that ISIS poses a global threat; the women’s organizations criticized the silence of the international community against the attacks on NE Syria. Zelûx Reşîd, the president of the Women’s Committee in Afrin Region, read the Kurdish statement while Şîrîn Elîmo, a member of the Women’s Committee in Shehba read the Arabic statement.

Simultaneous attacks by Turkey and ISIS

In the statement, the women’s organizations emphasized that Turkey and ISIS have carried out simultaneous attacks in the region. “The link between Turkey and ISIS must be seen,” the statement said, “The attacks carried out by ISIS in Hasekê still continue. The Syrian Democratic Forces have worked to clear the area from ISIS. The Syrian regime should see its role in the ongoing crisis in Syria.”

Call on international organizations

Noting that the attacks were carried out on the anniversary of the occupation of Afrin, the women’s organizations said in the statement, “The artillery attacks were carried out after the march in Shengal, Til Temir and Shehba and ISIS attacked in Hasekê. We will continue to struggle to end the humanitarian crisis in Syria, but human rights organizations and the international community should take a firm step against the attacks on Syria and NE Syria.”

Women’s Council: The government tries to create unrest

After the attacks of ISIS on al-Sina’a prison, the Syrian government issued statements accusing the SDF of committing war crimes. The Women’s Council of NE Syria criticized the statements and said, “The government tries to create unrest in the region.”

“The government of Damascus has forgotten its crimes”

Stating that the government of Damascus hasn’t changed its chauvinist policy since 2011, the Women’s Council said, “The government describes the struggle of the SDF against ISIS as a ‘war crime’ but it has forgotten the crimes it has committed in Syria for 10 years. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives in Syria for 10 years due to the wrong policies and crimes of the government. Millions of people have been forcibly displaced. Syria has turned into ruins. The Turkish state has occupied some regions in Syria.”

The Women’s Council called on the government of Damascus to take actions in order to liberate Syria instead of issuing such statements.