Attack on school in Afrin: 10 children injured

Turkey-backed al-Hamza faction opened fire at a school in the village of Mirkan of Afrin on Sunday. 10 children have been reportedly injured in the attack.

Afrin- On Sunday evening March 27), the Turkey-backed al-Hamza faction opened fire at a school in the village of Mirkan of Afrin on Sunday. 10 children have been reportedly injured in the attack.

Authorities announced the names of eight of ten injured children: The names of the children are as follows;

“Sulav Cafer, Zelûx Silêman, Enfal Rustem, Omer Xezal, Wesîm Selah, Ebdullah Sinîx, Meryem Mihemed Qasim, and Mihemed Silêman Hemdî.”

According to the report we received, the child named Meryem Mihemed Qasim was seriously injured in the attack and she has been transferred to a hospital in Turkey.