‘Art is a tool to raise awareness and fight violence against women’
Bushra Abdo, the head of the Tahadi Association for Equality and Citizenship (ATEC), thinks that art is an important tool to raise awareness and fight violence against women.

Morocco- The Tahadi Association for Equality and Citizenship (ATEC) has carried out awareness-raising activities through art about gender-based violence for four years. As part of the “Stop Digital Violence” campaign, the association shot a short film named “Al-Nashba (The Trap)” telling the story of a woman, who is threatened and blackmailed by a man on social media platforms.
Bushra Abdo, the head of the ATEC, thinks that art is an important tool to raise awareness and highlight problems faced by women.
‘Art guides and gives advice’
Emphasizing that visual arts such as cinema have a serious impact on society, she said:
“You can address the public more quickly through art. We should use art against discrimination, injustice, violence and racism. Films can give messages against all kinds of violence because art guides and gives advice. For instance, when we talk about movies on women's issues, we see that the audience definitely understands the messages that are aimed to be given. When we raise awareness, human values in society will be revealed. Then, violence against women and girls will be rejected in society.”
‘Art is an effective window’
Bushra Abdo thinks their society needs artists who will fight against gender-based violence and raise public awareness. “There is a need for artistic works that serve the women’s struggle and raise public awareness. Awareness must be raised against all forms of gender-based violence. At schools, students must be educated against gender-based violence. We want art to be an effective window in addressing women’s issues and defending women’s rights.”