Afghanistan suffers from hunger, poverty

There is a very thin line between the poverty and hunger limits in Afghanistan. Afghans suffering from hunger leave their children at hospitals because they cannot feed their children anymore. Since the Taliban took the control of the country, the banking and construction sectors have collapsed. Working people wait in long queues in front of the bank buildings to receive their salaries but they return home empty-handed in the evening. Thousands of people in Kabul expect support.


Kabul-The life of the Afghan people, who have suffered from the war for many years, has completely changed when the Taliban took the control of the country on August 15. This new life means darkness for women. The Afghan people have faced hunger now because the banks in Afghanistan have been closed since August 15.

Banking system collapses, construction work stops

Why are the banks closed in Afghanistan? The issue is not only the closure of banks in the country, many sectors have stopped, many people cannot work and the people keeping working cannot make a living. The Afghan central bank reportedly ran down most of its U.S. dollar cash reserves in the weeks before the Taliban took control of the country and the U.S. has frozen nearly $9.5 billion in assets belonging to the Afghan central bank. Since the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, the afghani's value has fallen by some 15 percent against the dollar, the banking system has collapsed and the construction work has stopped.

Upper class left the country

The drug and war barons, former military officers, and upper class fled from the country after the Taliban’s takeover of the country and they took cash money with them. For this reason, the country suffers from a shortage of cash.

Before the Taliban’s takeover, people received their salaries from the banks but the banking system has collapsed after the Taliban’s takeover of the country and this causes people to suffer from hunger. Afghan people have waited in long queues in front of the bank buildings to receive their salaries for weeks.

Afgan Ziya: We have nothing to eat

Afgan Ziya, a cleaning worker at the Ministry of Defense, has waited in long queues in front of a bank building to receive her salary for weeks. “I went home when the Taliban took the control of the country. I haven’t received my salaries since then and we have nothing to eat now,” she complained about the situation in the country.

They will set up a tent because they cannot pay house rent

Afgan Ziya cannot pay her house rent because she hasn’t received her salary for months. “We are hungry, how we can pay our house rent while we cannot feed ourselves? We will have to set up a tent to live in.”

Afghan people have suffered from poverty in the country and they expect support to overcome the financial challenges they have faced.