‘A political solution has not been found for the Syrian crisis’
Madlên El-Ibêd, Deputy Co-chair of the Til Temir (Tall Tamer) Town Council, calls on the Syrian government to sit at the table for a political solution, emphasizing that the Syrian crisis is deepening.

Hasakah- A new era began in Syria when a civil uprising started in March 2011. Although many meetings were held in different countries to resolve the Syrian crisis, no solution was achieved. During that time, the Turkish state occupied Jarablus in August 2016 and then Afrin, Serêkanîyê (Ras al-Ayn) and Girê Spî (Tell Abyad) while the fight against ISIS was taking place across North and East Syria.
NuJINHA spoke to Madlên El-Ibêd, Deputy Co-chair of the Til Temir (Tall Tamer) Town Council, about the importance of the dialogue between the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANED) and the Syrian government for a political solution to the Syrian crisis.
‘The Syrian crisis has been deepening’
Madlên El-Ibêd thinks that local and international forces have been involved in the Syrian civil war due to the weakening of the political situation of Syria. “The crisis that started in the country in 2011 has been deepening since the Turkish state occupied Serekaniyê and Gire Spî. The aim of the Turkish occupation is to stop and paralyze life in North and East Syria and leave the region unsafe. The Turkish state targets civilian infrastructure and farmers in its attacks. Targeting civilian infrastructure and farmers is a crime against humanity. The attacks aim to depopulate the region.”
‘The Turkish state supports ISIS’
Speaking about the recent attacks of ISIS in the region, she said, “The whole world knows that the beloved child of the Turkish state is ISIS and it supports ISIS. The Turkish state makes efforts to strengthen the armed factions in our region and occupied areas by creating instability. ISIS members organize themselves in the Syrian countryside and train children in al-Hol camp under the name of the Ashbal al-Khalifa (Cubs of the Caliphate, ISIS’s brigade of boys aged between 10 and 15). The presence of ISIS poses a threat to our region and Syria in general. The reason why terrorism has become stronger again in Syria is that the Syrian crisis has not been resolved.”
‘The Turkish state benefits from the crisis’
The Syrian crisis is being deepened by the hegemonic powers, Madlên El-Ibê emphasized. “There are powers benefiting from the crisis. The Turkish state benefits from the crisis by carrying its attacks and occupying cities in Syria. The Syrian people live all around the world. A political solution has not been found for the Syrian crisis yet. The Syrian people suffer in all facets of life, including in social life, politics and economy.”
‘We demand a political solution’
Madlen El-Ibêd believes that the Syrian crisis cannot be resolved through the military. “The Syrian crisis can be resolved only by a political solution. The Damascus government (Syrian government) claims that the AANES aims to divide Syria. But it should know very well that Syria has been already divided by the Turkish state. As the people living in Syria, we demand a political solution to the Syrian crisis. If the Syrian crisis is resolved by a political solution, people from all nationalities, religions and sects in Syria will live together in peace.”