Şemê Remo: We will not allow Shengal to be occupied

Reacting to the attacks on Shengal, Şemê Remo stated that they (the people of Shengal) will not allow their homeland to be occupied.


Shengal- Shengal is under attack by the agreement signed by the Turkish state, KDP, and the Iraqi government on October 9, 2020. Since the signing of the agreement, the Yazidi community has been subjected to attacks in order to not protect themselves along with their children. On April 18, the Turkish state, the Al-Kadhimi government and the KDP launched an attack on Shengal to annihilate the Internal Security Forces, Shengal Resistance Units (YPŞ), and the Êzîdxan Women's Units (YJŞ) and to deploy the enemy forces. The YJŞ responded to the attacks in order to protect the people of Shengal. After the clashes took place in Nahiye Sinun and Komelgaha Dugur, the KDP issued baseless statements to scare the people so that they would evacuate Shengal. The main aim of these provocations was explained to the people by the institutions and organizations in Shengal. The people of Shengal keep resisting despite the attacks and pressures of the Turkish state, the Al-Kadhimi government, and the KDP.

Mothers will not allow Shengal to be occupied

Şemê Remo, a member of the Yazidi Free Women's Movement (TAJÊ), says the Turkish state uses the Al-Kadhimi government and the KDP to realize its dream. Pointing out the ongoing attacks on Shengal, she says the mothers in Shengal will not allow Shengal to be occupied and the annihilation of the peoples who want freedom.

“They want to destroy the achievements”

Stating that the opposing forces did everything for the signing of the 9 October Agreement, Şemê Remo said, “This dirty policy has been carried out to annihilate the Yazidis. For us, the Iraqi government is not a government. If it was a government, it would not allow anyone to attack the religious beliefs and people in Iraq. The Iraq government works coordinately with the Turkish state and the KDP for the implementation of the agreement signed on October 9, 2020. The Iraqi government was responsible for the Yazidi community both during and after the genocide; however, it didn’t fulfill its responsibilities. And now, it wants to destroy the achievements of the Yazidis. We will not allow this. The Iraqi government should stop selling Iraq for its own interest.”

“We want our children to protect us”

Speaking about the Shengal Resistance Units (YPŞ) and the Êzîdxan Women's Units (YJŞ), Şemê Remo said, “During the genocide, our children protected us, not the KDP or the Iraqi government. For this reason, we want our children to protect us and this is our legitimate right. They attack because they know that no one can defeat the Yazidis when they defend themselves.”

“We will not evacuate Shengal”

“As the mothers of Shengal, we will take up arms and defend ourselves if needed,” Şemê Remo said, “We will fight along with our children. We will defend our mountains and Êzîdxan to the end. We didn’t allow any dirty plans to be carried out and we will not allow them. We will not evacuate Shengal. We will not allow the achievements gained with the blood of martyrs to be destroyed. We will continue to stand by our children.”